Brief Bio

Dr. Shengrong Bu

Shengrong Bu received her Ph.D. degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Carleton University, Canada, and MEng by Research degree in Electrical Engineering from University of Wollongong, Australia. From 2012 to 2014, she was an NSERC Industrial R&D Fellow. From 2014 to 2021, she was a Lecturer (Assistant Professor) with the James Watt School of Engineering, University of Glasgow, UK. Currently, she is an Associate Professor at Brock University, Canada.


  • Awarded NSERC Post-Doctoral Fellowship    (2014-2016)       My Rank: 1st in Electrical Engineering, Canada

  • Pre-Approved NSERC Industrial R&D Fellowship   (2012-2014)                                                       

  • Awarded One of the Best 50 Papers (out of 2171 submissions) at IEEE GLOBECOM’14

  • IEEE TAOS Technical Committee’s Award for Best Paper at IEEE GLOBECOM’2012                              

  • Best Student Paper Award at IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics in 2005                                   


  • I will organize a National Engineering Month Ontario event at Brock University (aimed at high school students) on March 25th, 2023.

  • I will be a keynote speaker at 4th International Conference on Electrical, Electronic Information and Communication Engineering 2023.

  • I will serve as a panelist on the Women in Engineering Panel at 2022 IEEE Canada Electrical Power and Energy Conference, December, 2022.

  • I have been featured in the Women in Energy Transformation Series 2022-­2024 as one of Canada’s most inspiring climate leaders.

  • Prof. Han, Dr. Qiu and myself will run a tutorial called "AI-Driven Decarbonization for Energy Systems" at IEEE International Conference on Communications, Control, and Computing Technologies for Smart Grids October 2022 (a flagship conference).

  • Dr. Tianyi Chen passed his viva. Congratulations!

  • I will help organize the 5th International Conference on Hot Information-Centric Networking (HotICN 2022) as a TPC co-chair.

  • Dawei and Tianyi’s research work has been accepted by IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics in April 2022. Congratulations!

  • Dr. James Oyedokun received his PhD degree in January 22nd, 2022. Congratulations! He now holds a Data Scientist position at abrdn plc, UK.

  • I am currently recruiting visiting students or fellows to join my research group starting Fall, 2022. The research project is related to big data analytics applications in energy systems, smart grids, smart grid communication networks, or cyber security. Visiting students or fellows will be paid top-up. Strong candidates are highly encouraged to apply, and contact me for more information.